6 steps to help managers increase telesales team performance

Managing a telesales team effectively is an important skill to ensure that all team members contribute to the maximum and achieve common goals. Here are some small principles to help manage the work of a telesales team effectively.

1. Overall performance evaluation

Use the Realtime Dashboard to track Performance. The two main metrics that managers care about are: closing rate and revenue. You should monitor at least twice a day, in the mid-morning and mid-afternoon. From this table, you can see which employees have lower performance during the day.

Low closing rate: This may be due to the fact that sales have not interacted with customers enough, or lack of rejection handling skills

Low revenue: This may be due to the fact that sales have not applied upsale measures during the closing call
Note: Only impact a few employees whose performance is lower than average.



2. Check the number of contacts that have not been reconnected

Use the work report chart to check how many contacts that sale has not yet reconnected with customers. If you want a sale to increase sales efficiency, the simplest way is to suggest that sale interact with customers more than other sales. This method is especially effective for sales with low closing rates.

On average, a sale has a closing rate of 30%. If a sale has a closing rate of 15%, it means it is below standard. You need to interact and dig up unreachable numbers from previous days. If you have time, you should also look at some high-value calls from other sales to compare and get examples.

3. Check the quality of Telesale’s closing calls

Evaluate whether the average call duration of TLS has met the requirements
Randomly check 3 closing calls (according to different order values). Ensure that the telesale has applied the correct calling process and that the interaction content has an upsale section

4. Check the quality of calls that do not close orders from Telesales

Review the details of a few unsuccessful calls to determine what the sales note issue is. Some frequently mentioned rejection cases: asking relatives, not enough budget, doubting quality…

Listen to the details of 3 sales calls to evaluate the sales person’s ability to handle rejection (long – medium – short calls)

5. Support sales to improve efficiency

– Discuss with sales to find out the cause and solution
– Analyze the numbers specifically

Pay attention to the sales first so they can present the difficulties. Because 1-2 situations that are not handled well, in addition to the problem of skills, can also be due to unstable mood. If you impose a way to handle it, it can affect the sales spirit.

– Give suggestions and instructions for sales to handle, and at the same time add more effective ways to handle rejections to the script
– Can apply a 1-1 mentoring mechanism if that person needs deep help; or give a personal bonus if they need a psychological boost
– Take these agreed contents into the internal training content

6. Use tools to help manage calls

In addition to being a smart switchboard that helps telesales dial and make calls quickly, ITY Switchboard also helps managers closely monitor the status of which telesales staff are online making calls, KPI of number of calls, talk time and especially listen back and download recording files easily.


Top 5 main benefits that switchboard brings to businesses:

Call quality management and control
Managers can track reports on call history, employee performance, and listen to recordings.

Save time and installation costs
Enterprises do not need to invest in switchboard equipment, and can use available terminals to make calls, helping to reduce operating costs.

Increase the performance of the telesales team
Calls will also be automatically configured to be routed to the right employee in charge to save customers’ waiting time.

Easy to manage and expand the system
Building and developing a virtual switchboard on an IP platform makes software control and maintenance more convenient and easier. Errors that arise will be detected and handled quickly, ensuring service stability.

Easy to integrate and upgrade the switchboard
For businesses using third-party CRM software, the virtual switchboard service allows connection and integration of listening/calling right on the CRM software

Initiate a business switchboard and try it for free now!

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